*SNiP Express

Pasadena Humane

PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: SNiP Express volunteers will work alongside staff members to help direct and check-in members of the public who are bringing their animals into the shelter for surgery. DUTIES: Volunteers will learn how to process surgery requests, advise on vaccinations, and otherwise offer guidance to members of the public who are dropping off their pets for surgery. IMPORTANT: If this is your first shift, please do NOT sign up on a Wednesday (this shift tends to be very busy with appointments and does not allow time for training). Thank you! HOW LONG: Shifts typically run 2-3 times per week, from 6:45 - 8:15 am. REQUIRED TRAINING: Before signing up and arriving for your first shift, volunteers must first complete the online training modules: https://pasadenahumanesociety-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/cbriffett_pasadenahumane_org/Er6gFY-ibhlEm2a5YH3-gs8BR2jxAR5MokJso_cG_DCHYg?e=Rd4hYq IMPORTANT - PLEASE REVIEW: Shelter Map and Parking Information here: https://pasadenahumanesociety-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/r/personal/volunteer_pasadenahumane_org/Documents/GETTING%20TO%20AND%20AROUND%20CAMPUS.pdf?csf=1&web=1&e=OGo4D0


18 and up

*SNiP Express