*Vaccine Clinic Helper

Pasadena Humane

PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Pasadena Humane offers a variety of vaccines for owned cats and dogs here at the shelter on Tuesday afternoons, 1-3 pm, in Training Room A (which is located directly across from the Shelter Shop). DUTIES: Vaccine Clinic Helper volunteers will assist staff members in welcoming and directing members of the public who arrive at the shelter with their pets, and ensure everyone's safety. Volunteers will also be required to have a basic knowledge of the types of vaccines we offer. HOW LONG: Tuesdays from 12:30pm-3:15pm REQUIRED TRAINING: https://pasadenahumanesociety-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/cbriffett_pasadenahumane_org/ElKqDRDIkS5CjEyZ_gIjvK8BzGkYYz_gcbe1ThJx6xeHRg?e=e9fKLm

361 S. Raymond Ave Pasadena, CA 91105 United States


To ensure safety and expediency of the Vaccine Clinic for members of the public and their animals, volunteers will assist staff manage, direct, and answer questions relating to vaccines and the process by which the animals receive them.

Volunteer Services volunteer@pasadenahumane.org 626.792.7151 x984

After signing up for a shift, if you are unable to attend, please allow at least 24 hours of advanced notice.


18 and up

*Vaccine Clinic Helper
How You Can Help
Hold a Position (1)
Position Dates Need
Vaccine Clinic Helpers Jan 01, 2022 - Dec 31, 2028 0